Hilbert Logic      Hilbert-Huang Algebra

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HILBERT-LOGIC.COM is a non-profit website dedicated to update the most recent results and activities related to new logic theory called "Hilbert Logic theory". Hilbert logic is also called Hilbert Complete Perfect Logic which was first coined by Dr. James Kuodo Huang in 2005 through studying Hilbert second problem and Hilbert sixth problem. Hilbert logic can be two-valued logic or three-valued logic or even multi-valued logic. Of course two-valued Hilbert logics are most interesting. Hilbert logic is not the same as "Hilbert systems (physicists called)". Hilbert Logic is also not the same as "Hilbert spaces (the classic mathematics). Hilbert's deductive systems are based on Boolean algebra and Hilbert-Huang Algebras are extension of Boolean Algebra. However they are related in some ways. If a Physical Hilbert system can be proved to be consistent and sound in Hilbert logic theory, then it will be considered to be a science logic integral. If a mathematical Hilbert style deductive system can be proved to be sound, consistent, and complete, then it will be called a logical integral. Hilbert logic theory will be the logic for all the current and future sciences. According to Dr. Huang, we can consider a Hilbert Logic to be any extension of a consistent Boolean logic system so that his "Universal consistent theorem of logic" can be proved that is a well-known theorem discovered by Dr. James Kuodo Huang in 2005. Hilbert Logic is a logic related to Hilbert-Huang algebra; just like Boolean logic is related to Boolean algebra.

The best accomplishments of Hilbert logic are their "Fundamental theorem of logic" and their related logical calculus (i.e. Hilbert-Huang algebras).

This theory confirms that modern mathematicians, scientists and engineers may be working in the right directions because they are doing everything based on intuitive boolean logic and their modern training.

Furthermore The main differences between

Hilbert logic theory
and logic model theory,

are as follows:

(1) Hilbert logic can be constructed through Hilbert-Huang algebra, Hilbert-huang logic, and product logic.
(2) Hilbert logic theory is ready to extend to any compatible axiomatic science.
(3) If logic model theory based on Hilbert logic theory, then it will become a better logic model theory.

For more about Hilbert logic theory, please Click Here

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